Category Archives: National League

Conference update: 28th March 2015

I didn’t get time to update the Conference attack and defence scatter graphics in midweek, so here they belatedly are for the last time until the end of the season, incorporating today’s matches. There are two graphics: the first showing attacking performance and the second defensive performance. Both are based on simple shot data and give a high-level view of how each club

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Conference update: 21st February 2015

I thought it was about time for another update to the attack and defence graphics for the four divisions below the Premier League, finishing here with the Conference. For each division there are three graphics – the first shows overall dominance, the second attacking performance and the third defensive performance. All are based on shot data and give a high-level view

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Friday fun: players who haven’t…

While researching some match previews at work yesterday I dug out the interesting nugget that Jack Cork has played 12 times in the Premier League this season without his side conceding a goal when he’s been on the pitch. This looks to be down to a combination of his injury problems leading to a spate of substitute appearances and Southampton having

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Conference update: 17 Jan 2015

Following Saturday’s matches I’ve updated my scatter graphics to see how each of the four divisions below the Premier League are looking. For each division there are three graphics – the first shows overall dominance, the second attacking performance and the third defensive performance. All are based on shot data and give a high-level view of how each club is

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Club survey

For a long time I’ve been curious about how fans feel about clubs other than their own. Aside from established rivalries, how do “neutrals” view each team, and which have built up the most positive and negative sentiment? I’ve thrown together a quick survey in which you can rate your feelings about each of the 116 clubs from the Premier League down to the

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An early look at attacking and defensive performance

It’s still a few weeks before we can justify creating new versions of our interactive attack and defence scatter plots, so I’ve impatiently dug out the old “low tech” versions to see what’s been going on so far in the Football League and Conference Premier. If you’ve not seen these before, check out the explanations link above, but in essence

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Conference Premier 2013/14 – Attack & Defence Graphics

I thought I’d resurrect an old tradition of using our attack and defence graphics to compare each club’s performance, starting with the Skrill Premier. If you haven’t seen these before, here’s a quick summary of how they work: They show the quantity of shots per match on the horizontal and the quality (based on how many shots it takes to produce a goal)

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Skrill Premier: 12 games in

We’re now 12 matches into the Skrill Premier so it’s probably time for another glance at how the division’s teams are performing. I’ll show both of the graphics (which can be clicked on to bring up bigger versions) and then take a team-by-team canter through their performances, using last season’s charts for reference. Attacking Defending Club-by-club observations After their demotion last

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Non-league – visual 2012/13 season summaries

I’m on holiday at the moment and therefore only catching up intermittently with football news, but one pleasing item to eventually catch my eye was BT Sport’s agreement to screen some Conference games next season. It reminded me that I hadn’t published final versions of the non-league visualisations for 2012/13, and as I’ve missed blogging since starting the new job

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